Grade 5 Theory Exam

For piano students of Tony O’Brien Home. Exam Structure. Learning Pathway. Exam Topics.


Remember the alto clef is for higher singers than tenors, so the middle ‘C’ line will be lower on the staff.  You know the clefs are either on the 4th or 3rd line up, so write the clef on the lower 3rd middle line.


Now write the key signature. Knowing the 2 flats  are B-E in that order, you have to place the flat signs on corresponding lines or spaces in this clef. Either referencing the middle C line OR knowing notes are written in the next space or line below where they would be written in the treble clef, you can only write the  B flat in the space below the middle C line (any other choice would put the “flat” sign too high or too low in the staff).Then write the Eb, either with reference to the middle C line or knowing E’s are written like D’s in the treble clef (but sound an octave lower).


You have to rewrite a Bb (just below middle C) and Eb (first above middle C).

Rather conveniently, you already know where these are by writing the key signature - but if you didn’t, either write notes with reference to the middle C line OR knowing you write notes in the space or line below where they would be written in the treble clef (but sounding an octave lower). So ‘B’s are written like ‘ treble  A’s and ‘E’s like  treble ‘D’s in the alto clef