Grade 5 Theory Exam

For piano students of Tony O’Brien Home. Exam Structure. Learning Pathway. Exam Topics.

Questions on  performance directions are asked directly  in questions 1 and/or 4, averaging about 6 marks over the papers set in 2010 and 2011.  But performance directions are also implied in question 6 and ( I would guess) contribute 2-3 marks out of the 15 available here - you’ll probably lose a mark for failing to put in a tempo direction at the beginning  - so at the very least learn a few italian words for “very slow”, “slow”, “easy pace”, “fast” and “very fast”.

“Performance directions” cover a diverse set of items, ranging from foreign words for tempo and mood to specific instrumental instructions (e.g. “use a down-bow” in a violin piece).

Explore each the topic links below before attempting the model questions below.


Performance Directions

Foreign words


Question 7

4  Look at this extract  written for a violin from an orchestral work and then answer the questions that follow



Question 7

Odds and Ends


Question 7

9a) (i) Give the meaning of :-

Etwas Langsam und traurig



a tempo

con arco

Look at the model answer