Grade 5 Theory Exam

For piano students of Tony O’Brien Home. Exam Structure. Learning Pathway. Exam Topics.


Short to open score


Add key and time signatures to both staves of the grand staff.


Working systematically through the voices in the order SATB, write the soprano and alto voices into the treble staff.  All the soprano notes’ stems point upwards, all the alto notes’ stems point downwards.

Write the tenor and bass voices into the bass staff. All the tenor notes’ stems point upwards, all the bass notes’ stems point downwards. The tenor voice has to be transposed and octave down into the bass clef.

Watch out for co-incident notes  - the same note sung at the  same time by two voices. These will need up and down stems in  short score to indicate both voices are singing the same note  (e.g. the tenor and bass minim D of the second bar.

Semi-breves don’t have stems and if co-incident, you have to write 2  adjacent semi-breves

            Watch out for accidentals.  If S and A or T and B have the same accidental in the same bar you have to repeat the accidental ,  unlike you would in “piano” scores. Look at the alto and soprano G# of the first bar.   Note also the treatment of the alto F natural followed by the soprano F # in the penultimate bar.  Here the “sharp” accidental is used on the soprano note to indicate a F# should be sung and remove an ambiguity over whether it should be sung as a F# or a F natural.